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“Deehan” Son of King Qoerkus

Verdtube Sneak Preview

Be Ready for Our Next GAME coming this March 2022!!!


Son of King Qoerkus

Deehan is strong and powerful – a natural leader. He was born with a natural authority that radiates self-confidence. He also has an impressive personality that can influence and even intimidate people through sheer force. His competence and enthusiasm attract people with resources. He is an explorer and an innovator that’s why King Qoerkus is one proud father. People in Draedrus submit themselves to Deehan because they sense his sureness and effectiveness all the time.

Hello ELEF World!!!

We are very excited about our next game this March 2022! Here’s a sneak peek of one of the main characters in VerdTube!

These unique characters are created based on the ideas of our very talented staff. As a tradition, we still have the “tubes” for their mouth which is the ELEF signature. We will have more characters available soon.

We will still use LF tokens as the primary currency for VerdTube Mining. These LF tokens can be converted to our universal token, ELEF. We have lots of events for you to participate and earn!


Mar 13, 2022

The graphics is awesome!! Characters are unique.


Feb 22, 2022

Another cute and unique idea/ character added for Verdtube the second game of elef.. 😍😍


Feb 22, 2022

Nice another great and unique characters we're so excited to meet him😍🎮


Crizeus Carlos
Crizeus Carlos
Feb 22, 2022

WOW!!!! We are so excited to meet the verdtube prince. “Deehan” Son of King Qoerkus


Feb 22, 2022

Wow another character reveal for the second game verdtube. Salute elef

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