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Discord Christmas Grind Inviter Winners!!!

Discord Christmas Grind Inviter Winners!!!

We want to thank all members that participated in our Discord Invite Grind. It was a good and healthy competition and we appreciate the participation, help and support!!!

Top 10 Inviters will receive the following rewards :

Grand Prize:

🏆Top 1 yangbung#4779 -

Limited Chest (Grand prize will be given when Limited Chests are available)

Other top inviters will receive the prizes:

🏅Top 2 - KoJiRo#3681 - 25,000 ELEF tokens

🏅Top 3 - reesecream#4153 - 20,000 ELEF tokens

🏅Top 4 - jijiez#1764 - 15,000 ELEF tokens

🏅Top 5 - Adil7723#8525 - 10,000 ELEF tokens

🏅Top 6 - Queen27#6092 - 8,000 ELEF tokens

🏅Top 7 - thanhlamit#6591 - 7,000 ELEF tokens

🏅Top 8 - AlfaHikaa#9627 - 6,000 ELEF tokens

🏅Top 9 - dedi#9912 - 5,000 ELEF tokens

🏅Top 10 - djuber#9910- 4,000 ELEF tokens

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