Hello Elef World!!!
Below are the steps on how to exchange Elef to LF and Vice Versa:
In your Inventory screen, click on "Exchange"
After clicking on exchange, you will be directed to this window.
ELEF -> LF: Exchanging ELEF Tokens to LF in-game tokens
Balance: shows the total ELEF balance you have.
MAX: you can exchange your total balance in one click instead of entering the number.
You may also enter your desired ELEF token to exchange instead of maxing out your balance in the box provided.
Transaction Fee: gas fee when exchanging tokens (will vary depending on the exchange rate of BNB/ELEF).
Please note that transaction fee is in ELEF. You need to convert this to LF first to know the transaction fee in LF.
Amount to Exchange: Your entered amount less the Transaction Fee.
Amount to Receive: Total amount of LF you will receive after the exchange.
Approve: After reviewing the numbers, click on "Approve" to execute the exchange.
Once you click on approve, Metamask will open to ask for your confirmation in allowing the exchange.
It will ask for a small amount of BNB for the transaction
This is only for the first time you will exchange with the wallet address you are using. Once approved, it will not ask for approval again.
Now, you will be able to "Exchange" ELEF to LF.
Once processing begins, wait for the exchange to finish.
Your dashboard will be updated with your balance once the processing is finished.
**The process of converting LF to ELEF is similar only you will start with LF tokens.
Wow elef world this is it the game is around the corner super excited thank you team elef salute let get ready to rumble😍😍
1 token 10 games 1 journey to the moon
This guidelines only show how ELEFWOLD can be easily played!
Thank you for this. So excited to try it once this game is launched. Let's Go ELEF!!!
Thank you Elef World!This is it!! your games is nearly to play,Can't wait to play it and earn huge profit.🤑🤑🚀🚀