Hello Elef World!!!
Below are the steps on how to exchange LF to Elef:
In your Inventory screen, click on "Exchange"
After clicking on exchange, you will be directed to this window.
ELEF -> LF: Exchanging ELEF Tokens to LF in-game tokens
Click on the LF -> ELEF tab:
Enter the desired amount of LF you want to convert to Elef
Transaction Fee: gas fee when exchanging tokens (will vary depending on the exchange rate of BNB/ELEF).
Please note that transaction fee is in ELEF. You need to convert this to LF first to know the transaction fee in LF.
Amount to Receive: Total amount of LF you will receive after the exchange.
Exchange: After reviewing the numbers, click on "Exchange" to execute the exchange.
Once processing begins, wait for the exchange to finish.
Your dashboard will be updated with your balance once the processing is finished.
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial!!!
Great.. good job Elef world....big help!very clear and informative!!!
A very informative guideline!
Indeed, ELEFWORLD rocks! :)
Thanks for informative tutorial!!!
Thank you for the detailed instructions. This is very helpful...
Thanks for the tutorial