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The Limited Nanotube Holders - VIP Perks challenge!!!

Hello ELEFbody!

Simply Complete these EASY challenges & RECEIVE an exclusive REWARD to all limited Nano owners.

To celebrate the outstanding number of ACTIVE Players of Nanotube plus to support the incredible demand of our Scholarship Program, the ELEF world team would like to extend its appreciation to all limited Nano owners with the possibility to maximize its cloning capacity by completing some easy challenges to claim the following rewards for FREE!!! ( 2 Limited miners + 6 Advance Miners + 1 Rare miner + 1 Legendary Miner +++ Limited Seed and Hybrid Seed.)

Complete the 1st Challenge and Claim your 1 FREE Limited Miner bonus now!!!

1st challenge:

  1. Hold at least 100,000 ELEF tokens in your wallet + Maintain 30 normal miners in your inventory per limited Nano/character until April 5, 2022 11:59 PM UTC.

    1. Example:

      1. 1 Limited Miner: 100,000 ELEF tokens + 30 normal miners.

      2. 2 Limited Miners: 200,000 ELEF tokens + 60 normal miners.

      3. 3 Limited Miners: 300,000 ELEF tokens + 90 normal miners.

  2. On April 6, 2022 all limited owners who completed the 1st Challenge will automatically receive 1 Limited miner for free. Miners will be sent within the day.

1st Challenge Submission Form:

**Daily checking of tokens and miners will start on April 1, 2022.

**You can replenish your wallet with tokens until March 31, 2022 11:59 PM UTC.

**You can replenish your inventory with miners until March 31, 2022 11:59 PM UTC.

**Miners listed are still counted as long as they are in your inventory.

** All clone chests are counted as additional miner requirements.

** Tokens should be under our new CA (CA: 0xB9Ca307a74a6E4c114B3170B38C470c95b20f376).

**No need to lock your tokens. You just have to maintain it in your wallet for the duration of the challenge.

Once you have accomplished 1st Challenge, you will unlock 2nd Challenge. We will release the qualifiers for 2nd Challenge on April 1, 2022 when you will have the additional opportunity to be rewarded with:

  • ADVANCE MINER (week 1 - 6)

  • RARE MINER (week 7)

  • LEGENDARY MINER (week 8)

And the prospect of getting 1 LIMITED MINER plus 1 LIMITED SEED plus 1 HYBRID SEED on 3rd Challenge!!!

11 comentários

Jocelyn Rivera
Jocelyn Rivera
21 de mar. de 2022

Join the challenge and get exciting verdtube characters!

This is another innovative promo so come and be counted!


21 de mar. de 2022

This is a very great deal for all limited nano holders. Join this promo.


21 de mar. de 2022

Another great deal!!! I'm sure it will help ELEFWORLD community.


20 de mar. de 2022

This is a very very very wonderful news to all limited holders!!!


Crizeus Carlos
Crizeus Carlos
20 de mar. de 2022

This is a great deal to all limited chest owner 👏😍

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