Hello ELEFbody!
First, we want to thank the community for the continuous support and suggestions to help improve our game and make it more enjoyable.
One of the top suggestions is how to get more out of your LF earnings and here is another game update that will happen soon!
We will be adding an update in our Marketplace which allows you to buy any character using LF!
This will be the guidelines:
You need to have enough LF tokens to purchase the character you want.
The amount will have an additional 20% tax if LF is used.
The LF tokens to be used will depend on the exchange rate for the month. For the full exchange rate, visit https://www.elefworld.com/exchange-rate-of-elef
Miner is listed for 1,500 ELEF.
Exchange rate of LF to ELEF for March 2022 is 100:1.
1,500 LF is equal to 150,000 LF.
The 20% of 150,000 LF is 30,000 LF.
You will be able to buy the character for 180,000 LF tokens. That's 150,000 LF + 30,000 LF (tax) to purchase the character.
Watch out for future announcements for this game update!. Stay Tuned!!!
this is the most wonderful update! Lf circulation! Thanks devs! Thanks team elef!
This is really great!!! No more worries for the left LF.
Thank you so much ELEFWORLD for the fair decision for us.
Another exciting update and good news for the community!
This is really great news for ELEFbody!!! Thanks ELEF team for listening to your community.
This is a great deal thank you elef for always do what is the best for the community